Turns out the Hong Kong Smile Ambassador is going to be my neighbor.
Jackie Chan is rumored ( I was told by my principal that he was ) to live near by my new place. The new digs will be in a place called Clear Water Bay, a very beautiful place in Hong Kong. There is a movie studio nearby and supposedly quite a few movie stars live nearby...of course HongKong movie stars...that I will never...ever...ever ever ever recognize.
Earlier this week, the other teachers that will live there and I all went to visit the house to see its progress. They are remodeling a three story home with 7 rooms and one heck of a view from the roof, which counts as a great party deck...and laundry facility!
The location is beautiful, and perhaps the best part and something I am very excited about...very near to an exclusive Country Club, of which I was told I should get to play due to my principals connections.
Here are a few shots of this amazing place... The beach is just below our house...hee hee hee. Suffering over here, really, I am.
First, a panoramic view from the roof...hey, i did the best i could. (this was before I knew there was a panoramic setting on the camera...shut up)
This is the outside of our house, and the bottom room on the left is mine. No balcony or view for me, cause I am the only dude, and must play door man. Booooo! All I know is I plan on being on the rooftop a lot.
This is the view from the rooftop looking down toward the beach. To be specific, Clear Water Bay Beach 2. Beach 1 is right below us.
Here is a peek from CWB 2 looking up toward the house
Here is another view from the beach towards the house. That's our hood up in the lush trees!
This is a closer image I took from the road that leads to the beachfront. Ours is directly behind the white house. The buildings share a wall.
This is a shot from the beach looking out over the bay and onto the golf course. It jetts out into the ocean and has palm trees lining the fairway.
Ahhhh...that water feels REAL dang good. It was 89 today and the water was beautiful!
If you want to see these locations on Google Earth, just leave a comment or email me and I will send them to you!
Man, that's awesome! I wish and hope I can come and visit.
How beautiful it is!! I am so jealous. haha. Can't wait to come visit you there. I miss you so much.
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