Friday, September 01, 2006

Nice Once LOGOS...nice one.

A few days ago the other teachers were telling us how they do lunch here at the school. Basically it goes like this, "You have an hour...use it how you like."

Some colleagues do bring their lunches, and there are eateries nearby here so you can actually get food to go for pretty cheap prices. For example, today I had Beef Stroganoff (that really turned out to be curry beef over rice with not really Stroganoff at all) for the grand total of $3.25...not too shabby! A little walk...lunch, and a walk back to campus...all in all a stress reliever if you ask me.

Then I remembered that the teachers can request a meal lunchbox at the school for $15HKD (that's Hong Kong Dollars, and the ratio is $1 = 7.8HKD)...a grand total of 2 bucks! That is when I realized something...there is no cafeteria.

Where are these boxed lunches coming from?

I kept walking back from lunch, turned the corner and there they stood. About 25 women with about 50 coolers. I knew lunches must be in there. Then...the giveaway...Yellow shirts with the LSG SkyChefs logo on them.

As soon as I saw the logo, the brilliance of the plan hit me. I was actually pretty blown away by the sense of it all.

Follow me here for a minute. Think about the space a cafeteria takes up. And, it may be used at the most 2 hours a day in a busy school. What does it do the rest of the time? Nothing. Empty space. Sucks up AC use. Maybe if you get lucky you rent the space out for special venues.

Now think about all the mixers, ovens, spoons, spatulas, microwaves, trays, cooking sheets, cutting boards, sinks...and other fixtures and appliances needed to complete a functioning kitchen. Add that cost up and you are swimming in partially used assets that are depreciating. Not to mention staffing.

Well, now consider that cafeteria space being freed up for classroom use. Which if the school is decent should be at a premium. If it is a private school especially, think of the revenue you just added by being able to handle a good number more students or being able to lower the teacher:student ratio. You now have added an incentive for prospective parents yielding more face time per student from the teacher.

Now, how do you still feed the students on campus? How do you give them a hot, balanced, nutritious, chef prepared and planned meal at a minimum cost but still made with premium ingredients?

Volume. You simply tap into a resource that is already producing at a large rate and minimum cost. You tap into the local airport catering services! You bring in selections of airplane food made for Lufthansa flight. I looked...these lunches are awesome looking. Complete meals, and good ones at that.

Kids?...fed. Building capital?...student driven. Unusable space?...minimal. Decision?...a creative, economical solution and a good one.

Nicely done Sirs. Nicely done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Careful Mike, you are starting to sound like a republican.
