Friday, September 01, 2006

Did I mention it was the 1st day of school...

As a kid, Mom would always buy me new school shoes, or some new outfits...sometimes both. Even into college she would offer to buy me new schoolie shoesies (Make fun and I will send someone to break your face...I am Italian...and it CAN happen).

Well, no new shoes for me this year...I don't need them. And, to be honest the thought of raising my kids with that expectation, it kind of made me ill...the idea of kids didn't make me ill...but them having that superficial expectation sure did. I am sure I will find every little reason to buy my kids something, a small personal battle.

But, I have a new office...( find the mac...and you will have found my desk )

A new school...( this is the great hall, full of kids )

And...a lot of Chinese kids around me...

They are amazing! I really do like this school and the students here at LOGOS seem to be something else. I have already picked out the two guys who are the campus least in their own minds. How thuggy can you really be when you are from a super rich part of Hong Kong and you were dropped off in a Mercedes? Ahhh...memories of Malibu's Most Wanted. I lasered in on these two and they are my project if you will. I saw them and felt like these two dudes may be the reason I am here this year. But, being that they are in another grade than I will be teaching, we will see. I will definitely see them on campus often.'ve got nothing else to pray about? Then pray about why I am here...and for God to show me clearly those I should invest in, be surprised by, and feel burdened for.

Oh, and did you see the picture below of my hot girlfriend? Not only is she hot...but she is a super amazing woman. Just checking to see if you saw her. That's all. Nothing else.


Anonymous said...

Michael's got a girlfriend, Michael's got a girlfriend....

Anonymous said...

MIKE!!! just lettin you know that if your old lady won't marry you...i will...hey man, just lettin you know...oh, by the way, i'm gonna need 2 new pics per day, you can't go to china and not see at least 2 new/crazy things a day...freakin love ya buddy!

Michael Maldanis said...

I will do my both regards!


Anonymous said...

Michael, I am praying for you daily. Continue to share needs and I will be your prayer warrior sweet one.