Thursday, August 24, 2006

My new digs...

Sorry the lighting was bad but hey, it is a digital camera.


3 comments: said...

not only is there mold in asia, but there appears to be mold on your chin

Michael Maldanis said...

Yeah there is! It took about 5 seconds for my grandmother and uncle to tell me they hated it! Hahahaha. I should have bet on that! The last time I had it, they busted my chops pretty good about it. Said I looked like a terrorist of some kind. Actually, it started because I was feeling lazy about shaving, then I wanted to bust their chops while i was visiting, then Cheyrl said she liked and so do the, it's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

You know...that place may be small but it is A LOT more than what I was expecting for you to get. And I'm totally digging the IKEAness. That desk is actually pretty dang sweet...

I already miss you like crazy man,keep posting....