Friday, March 16, 2007


"Politically the U.S. is unpopular abroad. But we see an almost unlimited opportunity for growth for our products. We recently shipped marshmallows, popcorn, and pretzels to new clients in Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. American culture, at least as it's manifested in food, is pretty bulletproof."

I read that today in an online CNNMoney article. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a guy named J Wat. Justin Watkins if you will. He and I met last year on a trip through Hong Kong and I called him up when I moved here in August. We would get together and hang out a few times before he left and mainly we would eat at some place western. Tony Roma's, California Pizza Kitchen, etc. Once, we went to see a movie...The Departed. But before we entered the theater, we noticed we had some time...and I had not had dinner.

So we decided to hit up that favorite fast food of Asia...even knocking out McDonalds, the ever popular K.F.C. We mused at how the world hates our role in the global economy and of course politically, but they all want our food and vacation spots!

Please see below for an excellent commentary and other musings by Mike Myer's as he plays a scottish father in "So I Married An Axe Murderer."


Josh Allen said...

Michael, sorry this doesn't fit the blog but could you send me an email with your address. I need to ask you a question. And really, politics and money are more closely tied than we think. Interesting (yet uninformed) Idealism has its place in politics (hence, the hate for USA), but money drives to reality (hence, the love for USA). Its a love-hate relationship.

Dave said...


Great blog. Good to hear about your life. Was that a clip from a movie or a moment from the ealier years of your life? ;-)

Love ya. Praying for ya.
