Thursday, July 05, 2007


I am no longer in Asia. I am in Dallas preparing for my upcoming wedding!

Friday, March 16, 2007


"Politically the U.S. is unpopular abroad. But we see an almost unlimited opportunity for growth for our products. We recently shipped marshmallows, popcorn, and pretzels to new clients in Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. American culture, at least as it's manifested in food, is pretty bulletproof."

I read that today in an online CNNMoney article. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a guy named J Wat. Justin Watkins if you will. He and I met last year on a trip through Hong Kong and I called him up when I moved here in August. We would get together and hang out a few times before he left and mainly we would eat at some place western. Tony Roma's, California Pizza Kitchen, etc. Once, we went to see a movie...The Departed. But before we entered the theater, we noticed we had some time...and I had not had dinner.

So we decided to hit up that favorite fast food of Asia...even knocking out McDonalds, the ever popular K.F.C. We mused at how the world hates our role in the global economy and of course politically, but they all want our food and vacation spots!

Please see below for an excellent commentary and other musings by Mike Myer's as he plays a scottish father in "So I Married An Axe Murderer."

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

::: A NEW TITLE ? :::

I was reading a New York Times article and came across a quote that just may become my next subtitle...

"-belief in hope beyond reason."

I do not do well everyday as a follower of Christ, but He impacts me daily. I attempt at most times to effort my life toward this following...and at times, I roll over like Bear used to do and just want my tummy rubbed by the easy offers of this world. And at other times I throw stones as those who fail around me.

This whole thing is a mess.'s a beautiful mess.

Where I may stub my toes in the world, my God is there to take my mind off of it and remind myself that...I am not an idiot.

I just am.

I just am being changed.

I just am becoming.

I just am experiencing new things.

I just am living in an abundant life.

I just am experiencing God at work all around me.

I just am another one, who is a part of the myriad of those who long for what Jesus spoke of and modeled...heaven on earth. Oh that majestic man who loved the ones who are hard to love and spoke sharply at the religious.

If only I could love the way he loves me. Without condition, without effort, without quitting.

After all, it makes no sense.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

::: SNEAKY :::

Unbeknownst to Mom and Dad, I snuck home for a two week vacation!

It is Chinese New Year in Asia and I figured...I could spend the same amount of money that it would take to come home traveling around Asia and seeing some amazing things...and hating that Cheryl wasn't here to experience it with me thus rendering it not as fun to share stories about.

SO...I decided to spend the vacation time with her and Mom and Dad. My sister even decided she would join us! She arrives in about an hour for a nice weekend visit.

So...the updates will begin again in about a week!

Much love

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I have been pretty quiet this past week...and even a little before.


I have been contemplative as to what the future in Hong Kong looks like after the school violated our contract. Would I overlook it this one time? Would I get on the next plane home? Would I wait and find a job in Dallas? Would I wait and find a job here until July and find the one I am looking for? Decisions, decisions.

After a week and a half of trying to decide, I made my decision...

There will still be moldinasia...for at least awhile longer. But, the search is on...

Normal posting should resume shortly. After all, Chinese New Year is coming up! That should be really interesting! Two weeks off and a bunch of people with fireworks!

By the way, it will be the year of the pig...there are huge pigs everywhere in this city. I mean everywhere! HUGE ones. Nothing like 15 feet tall pigs looking you down the snout! But they all have these slits in the top of them for...that's Really HUGE PIGGY BANKS!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Well tonight I realized I wiped out all of the pictures that I had stored in my iPhoto files.



I got over it rather quickly because up until I left for Hong Kong, I never carried a camera. So all of the photos were actually from other people...which means I am likely to be able to get them again.

However, I lost every picture I have taken since arriving here. Then it dawns on me that I have some good ones on the blog here. I took a read all the way back to day one and enjoyed the journey and pictures. I hope you have too.

That gave me the idea to take some of the pictures that I took on my phone and post them as a little visual journey since arriving here as well. goes...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I came across a service called 'truthcasting' and signed up to watch my church from Hong Kong.

This link is what they sent me when I was having trouble accessing their MAC OSX player. They are fixing it. Yay.

Click on Irving Bible Church, then on Sunday Sermons, then choose When Being Right Is Wrong. This might be the best message I have ever heard...stress the 'I' part there folks. I still haven't recovered from it. It has shaped me.

Check out truthcasting when you get a chance...basically it is a collection of church video podcasts but not on iTunes.

It would be better if they just loaded it up to iTunes as a video podcast though. Then you could take it with you if you wanted.